
So as I said before I’ve been Vegan now just over a month. And during that time I have not had a single food craving. Which is weird for me, because I used to get them all the time. I used to just smell something and want it, sometimes I didn’t even have to smell it!!!

Sure I sometimes see things and wish there was a vegan version, but I really don’t want it if there isn’t. I have zero desire for anything that contains animal products in it. Now I have zero will power so if I did crave it I would have given in and eaten something I shouldnt by now. But I havent and I couldn’t be prouder of myself

The only thing I ever find myself craving now is water. I started to hydrate properly about a month before I went vegan. I knew I wasnt hydrating properly and so finally did something about it. People don’t really talk about this stuff but … you should be weeing almost clear, and several times a day. Not drinking enough water not only impacts your kidneys but the whole of your digestive system and I know if I don’t drink enough I feel sluggish and irritable. But we forego sufficient hydration for the convenience of not having to visit the bathroom more than twice a day!

Going hand in hand with the cravings used to be emotional eating. I don’t even really do that anymore. My family has suffered a couple of losses recently. One only two weeks ago. And not once during that time have I felt the need to gorge on anything. Which again isnt typically me. I also find now that my moods have evened out. I used to get emotional swings often. My doctor put it down to me being female (“it’s just your menstrual cycle – nothing to worry about”). I worried that I was bordering on bi-polar. It turns out that my doctor was right in part. I think it was my hormones. I think they were just out of whack because of my diet. Now I’m no doctor and I could be very wrong. Who really knows?!

I know its only been a month, but I feel so much better than before. Not everyone will. Some people will struggle at first, or even for a while, but the longer I eat this way the more I know that this is right for me. And I’m thankful that I took that step. Heres hoping you all find a lifestyle that suits you and your body.

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