New Beginnings

So I’m clearly not great at this blogging malarkey, but I’m gonna give it another shot! Everyone needs somewhere to offload right?! And if I can help someone even a little, then I may as well make the effort.

So, I’ve split my blogs in two…

Anything is possible if you try 

My personal blog – all about me, my adventures, diet, and general rantings! You are here aready – please stick around!

Belief in One Day (BIOD).

My spritual blog – Will be full of positive affirmations, meditations, and things to make us all feel good. I’ll explain more over there. So go check it out, and let me know if there is anything you want me to talk about on either site.

I’m only just starting to put these together, so please be patient, share hints, tips, and questions.

Ciao for now



So as I said before I’ve been Vegan now just over a month. And during that time I have not had a single food craving. Which is weird for me, because I used to get them all the time. I used to just smell something and want it, sometimes I didn’t even have to smell it!!!

Sure I sometimes see things and wish there was a vegan version, but I really don’t want it if there isn’t. I have zero desire for anything that contains animal products in it. Now I have zero will power so if I did crave it I would have given in and eaten something I shouldnt by now. But I havent and I couldn’t be prouder of myself

The only thing I ever find myself craving now is water. I started to hydrate properly about a month before I went vegan. I knew I wasnt hydrating properly and so finally did something about it. People don’t really talk about this stuff but … you should be weeing almost clear, and several times a day. Not drinking enough water not only impacts your kidneys but the whole of your digestive system and I know if I don’t drink enough I feel sluggish and irritable. But we forego sufficient hydration for the convenience of not having to visit the bathroom more than twice a day!

Going hand in hand with the cravings used to be emotional eating. I don’t even really do that anymore. My family has suffered a couple of losses recently. One only two weeks ago. And not once during that time have I felt the need to gorge on anything. Which again isnt typically me. I also find now that my moods have evened out. I used to get emotional swings often. My doctor put it down to me being female (“it’s just your menstrual cycle – nothing to worry about”). I worried that I was bordering on bi-polar. It turns out that my doctor was right in part. I think it was my hormones. I think they were just out of whack because of my diet. Now I’m no doctor and I could be very wrong. Who really knows?!

I know its only been a month, but I feel so much better than before. Not everyone will. Some people will struggle at first, or even for a while, but the longer I eat this way the more I know that this is right for me. And I’m thankful that I took that step. Heres hoping you all find a lifestyle that suits you and your body.

My Body – The Internal Battle!!!


So I’m starting to feel lazy! Not because of what I’m eating, but mentally! I keep thinking it would be easier to just go make a bowl of pasta or chicken, In reality I know it isnt. I have all my salad stuffs ready and waiting to be mixed in a bowl. And my fruit is right there. Theres nothing I need to do! But I am having that internal fight about it anyways.

I havent given in just yet. I keep reminding myself that I want health more and I just need to listen to my body. Actually, I think thats one of the key things I have learned over the past couple of years: You have to listen to your body.

Your body will tell you everything you need to know. From skin breakouts, to headaches, to stomach pains – its all your bodies way of signaling that something is wrong. Usually its because you have ingested something your body just isnt built to cope with, but other times it can be an indicator of something more serious. So get to know your body and listen to what it has to tell you.

There are lot of contradicting messages out there about what is right and wrong to put into our bodies.  I think everyone is different.  Our bodies may not have started out designed for the life we live today but they have adjusted just like we have.  I think the key is to find what works best for you.

Anyway, good won this battle and I had a salad and then some mushrooms in herbs & spices (raw). I feel much better.  I dont feel like I missed out but I am craving something sweet. So i’m off to get a banana and plan my naughty treat for the weekend!!! 😉