New Beginnings

So I’m clearly not great at this blogging malarkey, but I’m gonna give it another shot! Everyone needs somewhere to offload right?! And if I can help someone even a little, then I may as well make the effort.

So, I’ve split my blogs in two…

Anything is possible if you try 

My personal blog – all about me, my adventures, diet, and general rantings! You are here aready – please stick around!

Belief in One Day (BIOD).

My spritual blog – Will be full of positive affirmations, meditations, and things to make us all feel good. I’ll explain more over there. So go check it out, and let me know if there is anything you want me to talk about on either site.

I’m only just starting to put these together, so please be patient, share hints, tips, and questions.

Ciao for now


Everyone say cheese!!!

Actually, no need – it’s everywhere! Literally and figuratively everywhere.

Most people know its difficult when veggies eat out as there are only one or two veg options on a standard English menu. The thing that upsets me is that 90% of the time, those veggie options have cheese in it. It’s ridiculous really, who’d have thought it would be that difficult?! Even the salads on the menus are meat – typically Chicken Caesar, Duck or Steak. Which would be fine with me as long as there was a veggie version.
If I’m lucky and the veggie option has cheese as a supplement (like shavings on top) I’m looked at like im weird and an inconvenience when I ask for them not to put it on. I mean really I’m saving you a job!!!

Are we that addicted to cheese that we can’t live without it? For a nation that are supposed to be looking at healthier options and watching our weight I’m confused as to why we smother cheese on everything??? We cant surely hope to be successful at loosing weight and getting healthy when we put fatty oily cheese (even the light stuff) on everything. And before anyone starts, I am a former cheese-a-holic.  Maybe thats why it irks me so much?! Who knows.

I’m not here to put you off cheese, but people, look at what you’re eating. Then think about what you are trying to achieve.  Are they a good match? If not stop shrugging your shoulders and do something about it!

Over and out!



So as I said before I’ve been Vegan now just over a month. And during that time I have not had a single food craving. Which is weird for me, because I used to get them all the time. I used to just smell something and want it, sometimes I didn’t even have to smell it!!!

Sure I sometimes see things and wish there was a vegan version, but I really don’t want it if there isn’t. I have zero desire for anything that contains animal products in it. Now I have zero will power so if I did crave it I would have given in and eaten something I shouldnt by now. But I havent and I couldn’t be prouder of myself

The only thing I ever find myself craving now is water. I started to hydrate properly about a month before I went vegan. I knew I wasnt hydrating properly and so finally did something about it. People don’t really talk about this stuff but … you should be weeing almost clear, and several times a day. Not drinking enough water not only impacts your kidneys but the whole of your digestive system and I know if I don’t drink enough I feel sluggish and irritable. But we forego sufficient hydration for the convenience of not having to visit the bathroom more than twice a day!

Going hand in hand with the cravings used to be emotional eating. I don’t even really do that anymore. My family has suffered a couple of losses recently. One only two weeks ago. And not once during that time have I felt the need to gorge on anything. Which again isnt typically me. I also find now that my moods have evened out. I used to get emotional swings often. My doctor put it down to me being female (“it’s just your menstrual cycle – nothing to worry about”). I worried that I was bordering on bi-polar. It turns out that my doctor was right in part. I think it was my hormones. I think they were just out of whack because of my diet. Now I’m no doctor and I could be very wrong. Who really knows?!

I know its only been a month, but I feel so much better than before. Not everyone will. Some people will struggle at first, or even for a while, but the longer I eat this way the more I know that this is right for me. And I’m thankful that I took that step. Heres hoping you all find a lifestyle that suits you and your body.

I changed my diet and feel fantastic


So a lot has changed since my last post in April.  I have found it really difficult to find a diet that suits me, and that I can keep up in the long-term. I’ve tried them all – Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Atkins etc and none have stuck and all make me feel worse than when I started. So I went and did some research… lots of research actually.  I’ve been looking specifically at foods and or lifestyles and their impact on our health. I’ve read medical reports, watched YouTube videos and read text books. It’s quite personal to me as I have lost people and watched others battle bad health and I don’t want to go through the same thing, or for my son to watch me go through it.

After much deliberation, on the 31st July I switched to a Vegan diet. This means I no longer eat meat, dairy or drink/ use milk in anything. I have to say after one month I feel fantastic. I feel more alert, lighter and I no longer get stomach pains or any digestive discomfort. And as a bonus I’ve lost nearly a stone in weight already. I am still finding my way with my new lifestyle, and I know it will take some time, but I know I’m doing whats right for me.

Eating out has been difficult – most chain restaurants don’t really cater for Vegans, but I have emailed a few local places before I visit and they have seemed more than happy to accommodate me. I still feel really guilty when doing that though and even more so when my family have to do something different for me. It feels like I’m being awkward. In fairness it probably looks like I am, but I’m doing it for my health and wellbeing so I think I should get a pass! 🙂

For those that like to panic about Vitamins and Minerals, please do your research before having a go at me. Also note that I do currently take Floradix, which is an Iron & B12 supplement.  I started taking it as a meat eater as I get anaemic quite often, and so I decided to stick with it for now, but I do plan to come off it once I have settled into this properly.

So I havent really upped my exercise yet. Although saying that i do go for more walks now and am consciously driving my car less. Before I went on holiday last week I was walking everyday and even felt like running at one point. Given the lack of Vegan friendly food where I was, my diet suffered a little (although I stuck to Vegan) and my energy levels dipped, so I’m working my way back up to it.  But it goes to show that what you eat, or what I eat anyways has a huge impact on how I feel and my energy levels.

Anyhow, thats all I have for now.  I’ll keep you updated as to how I get on.  If you ahve any hints, tips or recipes, please let me know.


Educating Myself – Getting Motivated?!

I’m currently studying for a degree in Psychology.  I am part way through my first module and I have let myself get soooo far behind its embarrassing.

I just can’t get motivated.  I think my focus recently has been on my health and social relationships that I havent been able to switch on my “study brain”!


Finding the right balance for my time has been hard and I am still struggling.  BUT we have a nice long weekend in the UK, so I am taking some time out to get back on it.

Learning to get up and keep trying when something doesn’t go as planned is hard.  I struggle with it.  I give up way to easily and retreat to something/ somewhere safe.  I’m not going to allow myself to do that anymore, with my diet or my education. I have new focus.  🙂

So now I just need to get organised!


My Body – The Internal Battle!!!


So I’m starting to feel lazy! Not because of what I’m eating, but mentally! I keep thinking it would be easier to just go make a bowl of pasta or chicken, In reality I know it isnt. I have all my salad stuffs ready and waiting to be mixed in a bowl. And my fruit is right there. Theres nothing I need to do! But I am having that internal fight about it anyways.

I havent given in just yet. I keep reminding myself that I want health more and I just need to listen to my body. Actually, I think thats one of the key things I have learned over the past couple of years: You have to listen to your body.

Your body will tell you everything you need to know. From skin breakouts, to headaches, to stomach pains – its all your bodies way of signaling that something is wrong. Usually its because you have ingested something your body just isnt built to cope with, but other times it can be an indicator of something more serious. So get to know your body and listen to what it has to tell you.

There are lot of contradicting messages out there about what is right and wrong to put into our bodies.  I think everyone is different.  Our bodies may not have started out designed for the life we live today but they have adjusted just like we have.  I think the key is to find what works best for you.

Anyway, good won this battle and I had a salad and then some mushrooms in herbs & spices (raw). I feel much better.  I dont feel like I missed out but I am craving something sweet. So i’m off to get a banana and plan my naughty treat for the weekend!!! 😉

My Body – The beginning!!!!


Part of the reason for me starting this is that I have decided to take a bit of control back in my life.  I want to enjoy life again instead of being led by it.  Life isnt something that happens, its something you make with every decision, choice and movement you take.  Did I mention i’ve become a bit of a hippy in my old (ish) age?! 🙂

So recently my focus has been on family and getting through whats been a tough year for us.  Now, my focus is on me. I need to keep myself healthy and fit so that I can do all the things I want to do, as well as be the good example my son needs.

I have done a lot of reading about various diets and exercise programs.  I have bought into a few but not many.  I procrastinate so much that i never get a chance to buy into all of the things that look interesting to me.  There have been a few themes (all equally important) though that run through all the crap on healthier living. 

Firstly – Exercise is important!

No matter what you do with diet, you have to keep moving and exercise.  I am not that facts biggest fan, but you cant escape it!

Second – Fresh foods are best!

Again, no matter which way you look at it fresh foods are better for you than chemicallay packed instant meals. Our bodies may have adjusted to the harsh and frankly disgusting stuff we put in our bodies but they dont like it and they function better without it! Just cutting out premade and instant meals i have made myself feel a hundred times better.  My body is better for it!

Lastly (for now) – Water is your friend!

A very high proportion of us spend our lives dehydrated.  So much so that Doctors advocate tea and coffee as suitable beverages to relieve the symptoms of dehydration.  When i was younger I was told that water was best for you and Tea and Coffee were not answers to dehydration. In fact i was told they made it worse.  But we are so starved of suitable fluids that the body will take what it can get! Drinking more water has been a revelation for me.  I am less hungry and more alert. Get hydrated people – your body needs you too!!!

There are many other things to learn from the research and groups on the internet.  There is so much out there its confusing.  Right now I am trying something new.  I came across Raw till 4 by Freelee the banana girl.  I am intrigued by this and have decided to start intigrating some of the principles into my life.  I have being living it 2 days now and i feel great.  To be fair, i am not following it as strict as i should but so far i have eaten only fresh fruit & veg until 4pm thereafter i have had one cooked meal, and maybe a snack of fruit again later on.

I have a long journey ahead of me and this may not be the path for me but i will give it a go for now and you can follow along here! Much love, health and happiness to you all!

& Remember … Anything is possible if you try!!! 🙂